What Should You Do if Your Tooth Hurts to Touch? Causes and Treatment

Do your teeth hurt or feel sore when you touch them? If you are nodding your head, then there’s a possibility that you might have sensitive teeth. Our teeth can become sensitive for a myriad of reasons. Sometimes, poor dental hygiene habits are the main culprits behind this issue. In some instances, the reason for teeth sensitivity is more serious and complex.

Thus, if you are facing this issue, it’s time for you to see your dentist. Meanwhile, you should also gather information about tooth sensitivity, its causes, and treatment options so that you can make better decisions about your oral health. For this, we have mapped out everything related to this oral issue here, so read ahead!


If you are feeling a throbbing pain or sensitivity while touching your teeth or eating your meals, there can be numerous factors behind it. Here are some of the most common reasons why your teeth have become sensitive lately:

Brushing your teeth too hard.
2.  Cracked or broken teeth.
3.  Have undergone dental procedures recently.
4.  Excessively using teeth whitening products to brighten your teeth.
5.  Suffering from gum disease or gum recession .
6.  Eating acidic foods.
7.  Have plaque buildup.
8.  Suffering from temporomandibular disorder (TMD).

Tooth sensitivity can occur due to any of these reasons. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult your endodontist or dentist whenever your tooth has become sore or sensitive. They can assess your oral health and discover the reason behind this problem.


When you suffer from tooth sensitivity, simple activities like brushing your teeth, chewing, or even drinking can cause sharp pain. This can undoubtedly take a toll on anybody’s life, so you need to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Tooth sensitivity typically arises when the enamel of teeth is worn out or when the tooth’s root is exposed. However, there can be other reasons behind this discomfort as well. For instance, cavities, cracked or chipped teeth, worn-out fillings, or gum disease can also cause tooth sensitivity.

When you visit your dentist’s office, he can suggest a certain treatment option based on the underlying cause of your tooth sensitivity. Some of the most common treatments to manage this issue are described below:


If you are experiencing pain due to sensitive teeth, you may find relief by desensitizing toothpaste. After a few applications, these toothpastes can help minimize the pain associated with sensitive teeth. A variety of desensitizing toothpaste products are available over the counter. Discuss it with your dentist to determine which product would work best for you.


Another way to manage tooth sensitivity is to apply fluoride onto the surface of impacted teeth. This mineral can strengthen the outer surface of your teeth known as enamel. As a result, this will reduce pain and treat tooth sensitivity issues.

Furthermore, your dentist may also recommend using prescription fluoride paste, which you can apply at home with the help of a custom tray. This will gradually reduce the pain sensations in your teeth.


If your gums have been eroded or receded, the inner layer of your teeth, called dentin, will be exposed. Such teeth are more susceptible to tooth sensitivity issues. If that’s the reason, your dentist may suggest dental bonding or sealants.

These oral devices are custom-prepared to cover and protect your teeth’ exposed surfaces.


If you feel immense pain in your teeth when you touch them or the nerve inside your tooth is affected, root canal therapy is usually the last resort. In this treatment, dentists generally remove the affected tooth roots and then replace them with artificial ones. It is an effective method to treat decayed teeth and alleviate sensitivity issues.


If you have lost gum tissue around your tooth root, there is a surgical procedure that may help. The procedure involves taking a small amount of gum tissue from another part of your mouth and grafting it onto the affected area. This can help to protect the exposed roots and reduce sensitivity, giving you much-needed relief.


Though oral treatments can be beneficial for treating sensitive teeth, you must adopt various lifestyle habits to fix this issue completely. Try to make changes to your oral hygiene routine.

Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush. Avoid using abrasive toothpaste, as it can exacerbate sensitivity. Avoiding acidic foods, quitting smoking, and addressing teeth-grinding or clenching habits can also help improve sensitivity.

Hence, knowing about these genetic factors can help pinpoint who might be at risk and guide efforts to diagnose and treat hypodontia effectively.


Teeth sensitivity is a serious issue. Don’t assume it will go away alone. If this oral concern is left unaddressed for prolonged periods, it will lead to serious consequences that can drastically affect oral health.

See your dentist immediately before the situation gets worse. Also, keep assessing other symptoms of tooth decay such as swollen or bleeding gums. Early diagnosis can save you from adverse effects, so act promptly and stay safe.


Can Sensitive Teeth Become Normal Again?

Yes, certainly.

So many oral treatments can fix such teeth and restore their functionality. But you need immediate help so the root cause of the problem can be eliminated before it has severely impacted your teeth.

Tooth sensitivity is not always serious. Sometimes, it’s just a result of poor oral hygiene habits, but it gets fixed when these habits are improved. However, it might occur in some instances due to serious oral issues like receding gums or tooth decay. That’s why you need to visit your dentist’s office and find out why this problem is.

In some situations, tooth sensitivity might go away independently, but it’s not always the case. If sensitivity is followed by issues like chipped teeth or receding gums, it will worsen with time. So do not sit around and wait; book a consultation session with your dental healthcare professional as soon as possible.

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